What Happens At A Reiki Share?
A Reiki share is a wonderful opportunity to give and receive Reiki in the company of like minded people.My Reiki shares are open to my students and other Reiki students. People that have not been Reiki trained are very welcome to coem to my Reiki share to experience Reiki and to find out more about this amazing healing art.
I am available throughout the Reiki share to amswer questions and generally assist as needed.
When are the Reiki shares held?
The Reiki shares start at 6pm and finish at 7.30pm on the following dates:December Sunday 2
January Sunday 20
March Sunday 10
April Sunday 28
June Sunday 9
July Sunday 21
September Sunday 8
October Sunday 20
December Sunday 8
Where are the Reiki shares held?
The Reiki shares are held in Private Room 14 at the Radisson Kenilworth Hotel, 97 Great Russell Street, London WC1B 3LB. Click here for more detailsPLEASE NOTE: I WILL RUN THE REIKI SHARE IF AT LEAST ONE PERSON BOOKS A PLACE ON THE SHARE 48 HOURS BEFORE THE SHARE. IF NO ONE HAS BOOKED BY THAT TIME THE SHARE WILL BE CANCELLED.