Andy Chrysostomou is a Reiki Master Teacher with over 17 years experience of practicing and teaching Reiki. Andy is also author of The Essence of Reiki, a definitive guide to Reiki healing. Andy came to Reiki after developing severe spondylosis of the spine. Andy was in incredible pain and was losing mobility in his arms and legs. The doctor informed him that the condition was degenerative and that he would eventually be crippled. He was offered surgery but was told that it was a fifty-fifty chance of whether it would work or worsen the condition. Andy searched for an alternative to surgery and discovered Reiki.
After a two day Reiki level 1 and 2 course Andy was pain free. After repeated self treatments he could live a normal life and train seven days a week, even undertaking martial arts on a regular basis. He has been teaching and practicing Reiki professionally since 2001 and has taught many thousands of students this amazing healing therapy. Andy is a member of the Reiki Guild and is registered with the CNHC.
Andy is currently a member of the Reiki Profession Specific Board (PSB) working with the Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC)) to provide expert advice on matters relating to professional standards in Reiki. As member of the Reiki PSB and on the Reiki Guild committee Andy is a member of the Reiki Council UK.
Andy used his extensive knowledge of Reiki gained through years of experience and much research to co-author 'The Essence Of Reiki: The Definitive Guide To Usui Reiki' published by O-Books.