This is a one day Reiki course that greatly enhances the ability to use Reiki.
The course introduces the Reiki symbols and explores how to correctly use them
for healing on a physical and emotional level. The oneness symbol allows the
student to undertake distant treatments.
This Reiki level 2 course is a professional practitioner course and teaches Reiki
to the National Occupational Standards for Reiki and incorporates the teaching
elements of the CNHC core curriculum. This Reiki course prepares students to
practise Reiki professionally and to take the Reiki Council verification process
for CNHC registration. Of course, this course is also for self-healing and treating
friends and family for those who do not wish to practise professionally. I believe,
we should treat ourselves, our family and our friends to the same professional
standards we apply to fee-paying clients.
This course teaches my Active Reiki method for maximum healing effect.
You will receive one Denju attunement on this course and learn all the relevant
Japanese techniques and theory for this level. In addition to the Reiki symbols
you will learn how to use Reiki as effectively as possible when working with clinical illnesses.
On completion of this Reiki course you will be able to use Reiki with confidence
to treat yourself and others, work professionally as a practitioner and take the
next step on your healing journey. A comprehensive manual and free post course
support is included.
Course Syllabus
LawsProfessionalism and treating clients with regards to National Occupational Standards for Reiki
How to join a Reiki Association and get insurance
How to register with CNHC
Interviewing clients effectively
Reiki Lineage
Record keeping and GDPR / Interview form /Treatment form
Treating clients with illnesses/injuries using the Active Reiki method
Working Holistically to maximise the healing effect of the treatment
Empowering the client to take responsibility for their recovery and health
Case Study - Parkinson's Disease
Working as a Reiki practitioner and setting up a practice
Getting a website
Search Engine Optimisation techniques
The key concepts of Reiki
The Shirushi (Reiki symbols) Jumon Kotodama
Practise and discuss giving a Reiki treatment to a client
Practise and discuss giving a Distant Reiki treatment
Japanese Reiki techniques: Gyoshi Ho / Koki Ho/ Hatsu rei ho (including Joshin Kokyu ho and Kenyoko ho)
There is 1 Denju (initiation attunement) and 3 Shirushi (Reiki symbols) on this Reiki Training Course